Friday, August 22, 2014

Hamburg Dungeon & DOM

Finally we were visiting the Hamburg Dungeon! I was so looking forward to this for a long time since I found out about it. I'd liked to go with my sister, but she didn't wanted to. What a shame! I can definitely say that she missed a lot of fun and it wasn't scary at all!
Quite the reverse! It was very funny and I laughed a lot (especially when our battlecry against the execution of Störtebeker was decided) For me the most uncomfortable situation was just the Zuchthaus where a cage with a lunatic inside was in the middle of the room and then the lights went out. But to be afraid of the dark is some kind of basic instinct.

Afterwards we drove to the Hamburger DOM , ate something there, went all over place and than drove back home, having backache and bleeding feet. 

But overall it was a fantastic day and I'd love to go back there <3

Thursday, August 21, 2014

First day of school & Unheilig Live

It's been a long time since I have posted something here...
Today was the first day of school after holidays and it was... yeah, kind of okay. I just had English and German classes today and I can't say it was much we have done. I just had to chancel musical course today because it was until 4 P.M. and I had to be somewhere at the same time, which is, no matter how sadly it is, impossible. But, this is not usual for me and just an exception. She wasn't happy about it, but in the end she said that I just have to catch up the stuff they made and it's okay.

In the evening we were at the Hamburger Kultursommer (It's some kind of festival) to see Unheilig, Staubkind and F.A.Q. 

It was a very nice evening, even though it ended with a wannabe-ghetto-kid rambling around in the subway which caused the police had to come 4 stations before ours.


Friday, August 01, 2014

Endlich am See!

Heute war der erste richtige Tag zu Hause bei meinen Eltern und es war auch der erste Tag am See! Endlich!! Lange Zeit hab ich ja schon in Hamburg gemeckert, dass man nicht einfach an den See baden fahren kann, um sich abzukühlen!
Es war so schön im Wasser zu liegen und in den Himmel zu schauen (so weit es jedenfalls ging bei strahlendem Sonnenschein).
Und so wie es aussieht, werde ich wohl ab 10.08. auch allein hier sein und eine Art Housesitting veranstalten. Was macht man denn die ganze Zeit in so einem großen Haus?? Ich hoffe einfach nur, dass ich mich nachts nicht allzu sehr gruseln werde :O Bin doch ein ziemlicher Schisser wenns so stockduster ist! ;-;
Am 09.08. ist auch noch Geschwistertreffen meiner Mutter, dann ist das Haus auch wieder voll und ich weiß auch noch nicht ganz genau wer überhaupt alles kommt, aber es gibt bestimmt auch wieder genug in dieser Familie, die es nicht nötig haben, zu sowas zu kommen.

Ich bin auf jedenfall gespannt, was noch alles in meinem Urlaub so passiert!
